Post-Op Routine for Gynecomastia Surgery

When it comes to gynecomastia surgery, and the vast majority of cosmetic surgery procedures for that matter, it’s important for patients to follow every piece of advice their surgeon gives them – ensuring they submit as much control over both their pre- and post-op care as possible. All too often, patients will get some bad advice from a friend or read some article online from a non-reputable source, that advises them to do something that may hurt, or drastically compromise their healing time and overall recovery. According to Dr. Richard Swift, the best gynecomastia surgeon NYC has to offer, the more control we are able to surrender over to the surgeon and his or her team the better, especially with a procedure such as gynecomastia surgery, where the aftercare period is very important and not something you want to mess around with.

As we mentioned, according to Dr. Richard Swift, the best gynecomastia surgeon NYC has to offer, the recovery following gynecomastia surgery is an important phase when it comes to obtaining the best possible results. The following are general recommendations and activities that will help patients in making the most of their recovery period, and achieving the best overall results possible.

Normal Activities

As it would be with any surgical procedure, the body requires a certain amount of time in order to fully recovery from the trauma that has been exerted onto the body – the fact is that gynecomastia surgery isn’t different at all, actually according to Dr. Swift, the best gynecomastia surgeon NYC has practicing, in many cases, men may actually need more of a recovery period as the breast tissue is quite sensitive and easily damaged – meaning patients will need to have some form of revision surgery done. However, its important to understand this is very rare, as Dr. Swift and his team are known for the top gynecomastia treatment NYC has to offer. During the recovery time, it is important for patients to limit the amount of activity placed on the body, allowing you to recover during a period in which you are more susceptible to injury and aids in not prolonging the recovery period. It is not uncommon for surgeons to have variations on the exact numbers, but in general, the patient can expect the following timetable of returning to normal activities:

· Most men take a few days off of work, and all other regular daily activities.

· It is vital to avoid most strenuous activity, and essentially anything that increases your blood pressure – at least for the first few weeks following surgery.

· After about 2-3 weeks, patients should be able to return to doing some light workouts and most cardio.

· Its important for men to avoid most upper body and chest workouts, especially those which involve heavy weight lifting, for at least 4-6 weeks after surgery.

According to Dr. Swift, who is known for the top gynecomastia treatment NYC has to offer, it’s important to reduce the overall amount of activity, as it can cause tightness and discomfort over time.

Compression & Fluids

Two of the most vital aspects of the recovery period are the use of compression garments during the healing period, as it allows men to create a well-shaped, masculine chest contour and prevent the soft, skin tissue from becoming loose and flabby over time. According to Dr. Swift, who is known to offer the best gynecomastia treatment NYC has in practice, after surgery, skin and tissue will begin to contract and settle during recovery and it will not always do so in a favorable way. A compression vest is a tool to help the body adjust in the way the patient and surgeon want it to by controlling swelling, providing support and facilitating skin retraction. The vest should be worn as much as possible for the first 4 weeks after surgery to achieve the most benefit. In addition, patients are known to lose fluids often when they are in this condition, therefore it is vital that you keep on taking in fluids, but do not overdo it, as too high of a fluid level will cause something known as a seroma, which is a collection of watery fluid that can develop in the chest after surgery. For more information on all there is to know about gynecomastia surgery, be sure to contact Dr. Swift today.



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