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Labiaplasty in Manhattan, NYC
If you’re dismayed, discouraged, or in pain because of the shape and size of your labia (the inner flaps of skin of the vagina), a labiaplasty performed by board-certified Manhattan plastic surgeon and general surgeon Richard W. Swift, Jr., M.D., F.A.C.S. may be able to help. Whether for cosmetic, hygienic or functional reasons, having the look you want is easier than ever.
Women are getting Labiaplasty to look good in their yoga pants
By: Jane Ridley
What Is a Labiaplasty?
The inner walls of the vagina (labia) can appear to look disproportionate or lack symmetry. This can cause functional problems, discomfort during sex or sports, or hygienic issues. A labiaplasty involves making adjustments to the labia to ensure greater symmetry and less discomfort.
Benefits of a Labiaplasty
Many women who have had a labiaplasty report feeling the following benefits:
Labiaplasty Before and After
We invite you to browse our extensive catalog of cosmetic surgeries and treatments to see the types of results Dr. Swift has obtained for his patients. Keep in mind that each individual is different and that you’ll learn more about the outcome you can expect from your specific surgery or treatment at your consultation with Dr. Swift.
How Is a Labiaplasty Performed?
Labiaplasty is an outpatient procedure performed in Dr. Swift’s surgical facility under local or twilight anesthesia. Dr. Swift will make a surgical incision and trim excess labial tissue. He is able to recreate the appearance of normal labia with natural-looking color and shape. After proper evaluation for symmetry, the incisions will be closed with absorbable stitches, antibiotic cream will be applied to the affected area, and a sanitary pad will be placed to help absorb any drainage.
Clitoral Hood Reduction
When the tissue that covers and protects the clitoris, called a clitoral hood, is excessive, a clitoral hood reduction is often necessary. Women can sometimes have a difficult time becoming stimulated when the clitoral hood has an excess of tissue, which results in limited sexual pleasure. Clitoral hood reduction involves removing the excess tissue while leaving enough for protection of the clitoris.
Preparing for Labiaplasty
Very few steps are needed to prepare for a labiaplasty. You should refrain from having sexual intercourse on the night before the surgery. You should avoid smoking, drinking alcohol, and taking specific herbal supplements including Vitamin E, green tea, omega fatty acids, and Gingko Biloba as these may increase bleeding. Inform Dr. Swift of any and all medications you are taking, including supplements to determine the best course of action for your surgery and recovery.
Labiaplasty Recovery
You may experience mild swelling, bruising, and tenderness in the affected area. You should be able to return to work within 2-4 days after your labia reduction surgery and can resume sexual activity within six weeks. Avoid strenuous exercise for at least three weeks after surgery. You will need to wash the area carefully and apply antibiotic cream as directed.
Is a Labiaplasty Right for Me?
If you’ve felt self-conscious about the shape and size of your labia, a labiaplasty may be right for you. Many women ask if they are “normal” – but there are a variety of shapes and sizes of a woman’s anatomy that would fall under the “normal” descriptor. If you are a young, fully developed woman in good health, you may be a good candidate for labiaplasty.
How Much Does Labiaplasty Cost?
Costs for your labiaplasty will vary depending on the extent of surgery or the number of treatments needed to achieve your desired result. Most insurance plans do not cover plastic surgery or specific cosmetic treatments. Dr. Swift accepts payment via cash, check, or credit card, as well as Alphaeon Healthcare Lending as a financing option.
Why Choose Dr. Swift?
Board-certified plastic surgeon Richard W. Swift, Jr., M.D., F.A.C.S. provides a variety of cosmetic surgeries and treatments to help improve and enhance your natural beauty. A graduate of Yale and Brown University, Dr. Swift has earned prestigious awards for his vast medical expertise and experience. In addition to offering a wide range of cosmetic surgery options, Dr. Swift can also provide detailed consultations on surgical techniques, alternative treatments, and pre- and post-operative care. Throughout the process, his number one goal is to deliver personalized, high-quality, one-on-one care to ensure your complete comfort and satisfaction.
What to Expect During Your Consultation?
Dr. Swift will provide a thorough examination and create an individualized plan to ensure you are exceedingly satisfied with the results. Above all, his attention to detail and each patient’s complete comfort is his primary goal, so making you feel at ease with the process is paramount. Dr. Swift will gladly answer all your questions and address your concerns so that you feel confident in his expertise to make you look and feel your best. Whether you choose to have a labiaplasty because of cosmetic reasons or functional ones, the decision is a highly personal one. Consulting with Dr. Swift can help answer your questions and alleviate your concerns. Contact our Manhattan, NYC office today to schedule your consultation.