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Breast Reduction in Manhattan, NYC
If your breasts have been causing issues with your physical or emotional health and you’re looking for a safe, effective way to reduce their size, board-certified Manhattan plastic surgeon and general surgeon Richard W. Swift, Jr., M.D., F.A.C.S. can give you the look you’ve always wanted.
What Is Breast Reduction?
Breast reduction, as the name implies, involves the reduction of the breasts for physical and emotional well-being. Breasts that are too large to support the body’s frame may cause issues with the spine and shoulders, not to mention unwanted comments and stares from others. Proper breast reduction, performed in our convenient Manhattan NYC office, can alleviate this discomfort.
Benefits of Breast Reduction
Women who choose to have breast reduction often tell us that they feel the following benefits:
Breast Reduction Before and After
We invite you to browse our extensive catalog of cosmetic surgeries and treatments to see the types of results Dr. Swift has obtained for his patients. Keep in mind that each individual is different and that you’ll learn more about the outcome you can expect from your specific surgery or treatment at your consultation with Dr. Swift.
How Is Breast Reduction Performed?
Breast reduction is an outpatient procedure that takes two to four hours and is performed under general anesthesia. Dr. Swift makes an anchor-shaped incision from the lower portion of the areola down to and around the crease of the breast. Excess tissue, fat, and skin are removed, and the nipple and areola are repositioned higher on the breast. The breast mound is then reshaped from skin around the areola. Excess fat around the armpit area will be removed using liposuction. Dr. Swift then closes the incisions with stitches and bandages the breast.
Preparing for Breast Reduction
Women who experience the best results from breast reduction are those who have a realistic expectation of the results they will receive. It is important that you have completed having children and breastfeeding as breast reduction can affect the breasts in unpredictable ways. You can discuss this with Dr. Swift at your initial consultation if you have concerns.
Breast Reduction Recovery
Your breasts will be swollen, bruised, and tender for a few days after cosmetic surgery. You should wear a surgical bra for about a month while your breasts heal. You may feel some discomfort, and Dr. Swift can prescribe an oral pain medication.
Many of our patients return to work after two weeks. You will need to avoid heavy lifting, strenuous exercise, and rough contact with the breasts for three to six weeks.
Is Breast Reduction Right for Me?
If you feel physical or emotional discomfort due to the size of your breasts and would like them reduced to be more proportionate with your body, breast reduction in our Manhattan, NYC center may be right for you. If you still plan to have children, are nursing, or plan to be breastfeeding, you may not be the ideal candidate for breast reduction until you are done birthing and breastfeeding children.
How Much Does Breast Reduction Cost?
Costs for your breast reduction will vary depending on the extent of surgery or the number of treatments needed to achieve your desired result. Most insurance plans do not cover plastic surgery or specific cosmetic treatments. Dr. Swift accepts payment via cash, check, or credit card, as well as Alphaeon Healthcare Lending as a financing option.
Why Choose Dr. Swift?
Board-certified plastic surgeon Richard W. Swift, Jr., M.D., F.A.C.S. provides a variety of cosmetic surgeries and treatments to help improve and enhance your natural beauty. A graduate of Yale and Brown University, Dr. Swift has earned prestigious awards for his vast medical expertise and experience. In addition to offering a wide range of cosmetic surgery options, Dr. Swift can also provide detailed consultations on surgical techniques, alternative treatments, and pre- and post-operative care. Throughout the process, his number one goal is to deliver personalized, high-quality, one-on-one care to ensure your complete comfort and satisfaction.
What to Expect During Your Consultation?
Breast reduction is a highly personal choice, which is why Dr. Swift will take the time to personally answer any questions or concerns you may have. He will provide a thorough examination of the area to be treated, as well as explain pre-operative steps, recovery details, and details about the procedure itself. Above all, he wants you to feel at ease and comfortable with the process, giving you all the information you need to make an informed decision.
You no longer have to live with the pain and discomfort of breasts that are too large for your body. Contact our Manhattan, NYC office today to schedule your consultation and start enjoying the relief that comes with a more proportionate body!