What You Need to Know About Gynecomastia Treatment

One of the most common conditions amongst men and boys, gynecomastia is a condition in which the male breast tissue will begin to swell and become abnormally large. The fact of the matter is that both men and women have breast tissue and therefore breast glands, however, within men this tissue and glands are a lot smaller and far less visible – as the male breast tends to be smaller and underdeveloped. According to Dr. Richard Swift, the best gynecomastia specialist NYC has to offer, the fact of the matter is that breast gland enlargement, or gynecomastia, can affect everyone from newborns, boys with puberty, and men of an advanced older age. in addition, by adulthood, 90 percent of all cases are resolved in one way or another – later in life, these incidence rates increase again, quite a bit. While the condition does have something to do with additional fatty tissue pockets along the breasts, gynecomastia does not mean that someone has too much extra fat and is overweight. The presence of breast tissue or fat is centralized and completely local to the breasts, as there are men who might be obese and do not have gynecomastia at all. In fact, for such men, doing exercise or taking on a dietary regimen will not reduce the size of this breast tissue at all. according to Dr. Swift, the best gynecomastia specialist NYC has in practice, generally the main treatment option out there for men, involves surgical treatment to remove the unwanted excess tissue.

While the breast consists mostly of a combination of glandular tissue, which is firm and dense, and fatty tissue, which is clearly much softer. The ratio between these two types of tissue will generally vary from person to person, however, the issues mainly arise when there is an excess of both these types of tissue – this is when gynecomastia will generally occur. In many instances, liposuction can help patients to remove unwanted fatty tissue from the breast region, by inserting a small tube into a small opening or incision. In conjunction with liposuction however, most commonly doctors will recommend excision surgery. According to Dr. Swift, the best gynecomastia specialist NYC has to offer, the word excision itself means to cut into or to cut out tissue with a scalpel in order to remove excess glandular tissue – this will generally leave a scar around the of the edge of the nipple. As in many other cases of cosmetic surgery, the larger and the more major your level of correction might be, the incision, and thus the scar leftover, is generally much larger as well as deeper.

While gynecomastia surgery will generally just require excision surgery. Essentially, this means that using a surgical scalpel, a surgeon like Dr. Swift, the best gynecomastia specialist NYC has around, will remove any excess, unwanted fatty and glandular tissue. In other cases, in which an individual might have more fatty tissue than they previously thought, they may combine the use of liposuction as well. In these cases, the recovery for liposuction is generally pretty tough, and therefore makes the entire process take much longer and become far more involved. After surgery, the chest will be bruised and swollen, and the patient may have to wear an elastic pressure garment for 2 weeks to help reduce the swelling.It will normally take about 6 weeks to return to a normal routine. Complications from surgery are rare. They include insufficient removal of breast tissue, uneven contour to the chest, and reduced sensation of one or both nipples. Often, following surgery, as a result of a common complication due to excision surgery, the patient might experience blood clots, and therefore may need to have them drained.

Interestingly enough, often gynecomastia is a condition that appears as a result of hormonal fluctuations, and excess estrogen in men. In some cases, however, as an individual might age, or improve their diet and exercise regimen, their hormones might balance out and your gynecomastia might resolve itself without the need for treatment. For more information on gynecomastia treatment, be sure to contact Dr. Richard Swift today.



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