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Getting a rhinoplasty, otherwise known as a nose job isn’t something that an individual should be taking lightly. If they’re married, or maybe even still living with their parents – it’s important to ask your partner as well as your friends and family their most honest opinion about your current nose and if you do or don’t need nose job or rhinoplasty. And not only is it vital to consult your friends and family, but ask your surgeon as well if you are the right candidate to be having a nose job done. While you would think it’s certainly in their best interests financially, the fact is that someone like Dr. Richard Swift MD, considered the top rhinoplasty specialist NYC has to offer, cares far more about the health of his patients than the cost of a single nose job. Plus, by performing a rhinoplasty on a patient who might not be a good candidate or someone who clearly doesn’t need a rhinoplasty, it will not only make the surgeon appear to be a bad surgeon who takes advantage of his patients and their trust in him or her. Also, another important fact Dr. Swift, the top rhinoplasty specialist NYC has in practice wants us to consider is that, if someone already has a thin nose or perfectly shaped nose, their before and after will look terrible and many will likely say that she should never have gotten the procedure in the first place, as the patient essentially had little to no excess tissue to contour. To better help you understand the secrets you should know before you get a rhinoplasty, we’ve enlisted the help of Dr. Richard Swift – read on below for much more.
First and foremost, when you are doing any type of cosmetic surgery, it is vital that you are doing it for just yourself and no one else. This will not make your ex love you again, nor will it save your marriage or help you land a role in a Hollywood film. The fact is that cosmetic surgery is your choice and something you should only do if it will make you happy.
· The Correct Surgeon for You
One of the most important aspect about a rhinoplasty according to Dr. Swift, the top rhinoplasty specialist NYC has to offer, is that you find a surgeon who makes you feel comfortable and calms you down – as many people can become quite anxious and nervous prior to surgery. So, you definitely want someone you are confident in and someone who isn’t afraid to show you their past nose job work and more if you ask to see it. In addition, an important part of considering a nose job, is that you need to have clear expectations with both yourself and your surgeon, in terms of what you want to achieve and of course the results. This is why you should always check out the before and after pictures before choosing the right surgeon, and of course, do your due diligence when researching their qualifications and experience. Finally, always make sure you give yourself enough recovery time, as there will be some swelling and bruising as with any plastic surgery.
· Be Understanding About Results
One issue that often occurs during the nose job, not a fault of the doctor or the procedure, is simply the amount of time that it will take for the patient to achieve their final results and for the area to be 100% recovered. Patients don’t realize that it can take nearly a full year for your nose to heal in the way that you want it to. Also, unfortunately for some, there is about a 10% chance that you might need a revision rhinoplasty – meaning you will need to do it again, as you might not be happy with the results the first go around.
· Find Out About Non-Surgical Options
An important thing to understand about the nose job is that expensive surgery isn’t always the way to go, and there are non-surgical alternatives that you might need to learn about. Depending on what you’d like to change, filler can be used to conceal a bump by injecting a dermal filler into the nose tip and bridge.Filler is an alternative to invasive techniques in certain situations; it can be used to disguise a hump for example. However, filler is temporary, and may only last about 6-10 months. I use it mostly for people who want to see what their result will look like in situations where a slight augmentation above or below a hump will disguise it. Nasal asymmetry that occurred due to a previous break or accident, can be restored with a rhinoplasty.
The fact is that there is surely a whole lot more to know about your rhinoplasty however, these are the top three issues patients seem to have trouble grasping that often causes tension between themselves and their surgeons. Once you understand the facts about the procedure, can you make a proper, educated decision of whether you want to have it done or not. For more, be sure to contact Dr. Richard Swift today.