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When it comes to plastic surgery procedures, we rarely hear procedures that are specifically designed for men, however there are quite a few different surgical methods out there that cater just to men and their aesthetic enhancement concerns. One of the most common being the gynecomastia procedure – a procedure that is designed to address the presence of unwanted female breast tissue in men. According to Dr. Richard Swift, the best gynecomastia specialist NYC has to offer, there are a number of different reasons why this occurs, one of the most common being hormonal fluctuations and the loss of the male sex hormone, testosterone. When men begin to lose testosterone or their testosterone levels begin to dip, their estrogen levels will begin to rise, in many cases it is considered to be somewhat of a sliding scale. Despite how valuable and common of surgical procedure gynecomastia surgery has become for men, many male patients are still relatively uneducated on the subject and have little to no knowledge on what it actually entails and what are the important things we should know about the procedure and how it might affect the body. In this article we will explore some important tips that patients should take into consideration and remember, especially for their recovery period in order to have the most successful surgery possible and to obtain the best results possible.
The thing about a gynecomastia surgery, and all other forms of aesthetic enhancement is that finding the best and most experience surgeon is such a vital aspect to obtaining the best results. According to Dr. Swift, the best gynecomastia specialist NYC has to offer, the wrong surgeon can truly leave patients with horrific results that not only fail to address the breast tissue concerns, but actually end up making things worse, leaving patients with unwanted scars, and breast tissue damage, and in some rarer cases, leave them with life-threatening damage. However, while this is true, the surgeon only has so much control over things, and in many cases, while they might do their job perfectly, what the patient does after, during their recovery period can make or break their results and leave them in a terrible position, where they may even need to have the procedure repeated. While they can be confident in their ability to contour the male chest, what they can’t control to the same extent is what the patient does during the recovery period. We have learned that over the years that this time period is very important when it comes to obtaining the best result possible, no matter what procedure it is. Each person is unique in terms of the severity and presentation of gynecomastia, as well as how he heals.
According to Dr. Swift, the best gynecomastia specialist NYC has in practice, both before and after, each patient is given a list of things to do and things to avoid following surgery, as well as a number of specific guidelines that will ensure that they obtain the best results possible – it is simply up to them to follow those guidelines and make sure that if something does go wrong or seem out of the ordinary, they immediately follow up with their surgeon and explain to them in detail, those specific issue that might have arisen. Some of the most common post-surgical recommendations include:
· It’s important to wear compression garments for 4 weeks after surgery.
· Use my rolling technique no sooner than week 3 and continue for 6 or more weeks.
· Vigorously massage any irregularities or bumps with your fingers in addition to the rolling technique.
· Don’t drink more fluids than you need.
· There should be no strenuous activity (anything that increases your blood pressure) for the first 2 weeks. You may start exercise after 2 weeks in other areas but stay away from your chest for at least 4 weeks.
· Keep your shoulders back and posture upright.
The above list may seem like it’s a list of chores that has been created just to bother patients during surgery recovery process, however it surely isn’t. How well you follow this list will give you the best chance at having the best results following your surgery.Most healing occurs in the first 5 weeks after surgery and this is why it is so important to focus on your recovery after gyno surgery. It’s important to realize that you’ve waited long enough to be free from gynecomastia, so what is a few weeks of discipline to help make the most of it? Do know that it can take up to one and a half years for all the healing to be complete, so making a routine of it isn’t a bad idea.Compression garments should be worn for 4 weeks to control swelling, provide support and facilitate skin retraction. Patients are also encouraged to massage the treated area with their hands or a roller device to soften the scar tissue and help the skin lay out nicely. This should be done several times a day for 20 minutes or more starting 3 weeks after your procedure and working it for 8 weeks or more if needed.
Every patient has his own healing process, and we will work with you to get the best results.Most patients take a day or two off before returning to work and other normal daily activities. There should be no strenuous activity (anything that increases your blood pressure) for 2 weeks. Increased cardio and lower body activity can resume after these 2 weeks. Most importantly, upper body or chest workouts may resume incrementally after 4 weeks unless otherwise instructed. Mild tightness and discomfort will persist for up to 4 weeks. For those who might want to hit the gym, its best to wait at least a full week and even then, everyone heals differently so ask your surgeon about your specific situation. For more information on gynecomastia surgery and other procedures be sure to contact Dr. Richard Swift today.