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When it comes to aesthetic enhancement, facial surgery procedures, like the facelift, have grown exponentially in popularity. One reason for this recent growth has been the amazing advances made to facial surgery techniques – both invasive and non-invasive. As the top plastic surgeon New York has to offer, Dr. Richard Swift, utilizes revolutionary new methods to ensure patients not only achieve the enhancement they want, but it is done safer, and appears far more natural – with far less prominent scarring and visible evidence of surgery. And with better, more effective results, patients from every age group and walk of life are considering having a facelift – with some as young as their 20’s! For the most part however, patients consider this facial surgery procedure in order to reduce visible signs of aging like:
· Loss of facial volume & skin elasticity – Due to depleted collagen and elastin, as a result of aging.
· Wrinkles, fine lines, & facial folds.
· Under-eye bags, and overall dull, tired appearance.
· Loss of facial contours & definition – loose, hanging skin.
By tightening the skin along the face, the facelift procedure can drastically reduce the appearance of these types of common issues – leaving patients looking younger, and fresh-faced. With his years of experience performing the procedure, Dr. Swift is able to strategically map out a surgical plan based on the particular area of the face in need of correction, and as with other lifting techniques, the procedure is combined with liposuction (lipo) to better contour the face – this is a major reason he is considered the top plastic surgeon New York has to offer. And in addition to these strategically places incisions, there are also 3 common variations of the facelift.
· Standard or Full Facelift
A conventional facelift, often called the full facelift, is a facial surgery procedure performed in order to reduce the most severe, visible signs of aging such as – sagging skin, and prominent jowls (saggy cheeks). As the top plastic surgeon New York patients trust, Dr. Swift only recommends this procedure for those in need of the most correction. In this version of the facelift, excess skin is removed, tightening connective tissue and the muscles in the face and upper neck. Once the extra, loose skin is removed, the remaining skin is lifted and repositioned. In order to provide the most subtle, natural results, Dr. Swift will hide the incisions within the contour of the ear, around the earlobe, within the hairline, and for those with excess fatty tissue in the chin and neck area, an additional incision may be required. In some instances, some excess fatty tissue may be suctioned away with liposuction (lipo) or trimmed away.
· Mini Facelift
For those patients with mildly visible signs of aging, and only light to moderate loss of muscle tone & skin elasticity, the mini facelift may be the perfect option. Generally, the mini facelift addresses correction of the upper half of the face – tightening & lifting the skin along the eyes, forehead, and upper cheek areas. This procedure has a vastly shorter recovery time, and is sometimes used in conjunction with other facial procedures to tighten the skin, very rarely is liposuction (lipo) combined with the mini facelift, however. This procedure is most commonly performed on younger patients, as they have more elasticity in their skin to recover, and less visible signs of aging.
· Short Scar Facelift
This is an extremely rare version of the facelift, not performed by too many surgeons. As the top plastic surgeon New York has to offer, Dr. Swift is always seeking methods of make procedures appear more natural with less scarring. This version of the mini facelift works best for those patients with mild skin laxity and the presence of prominent jowls. The skin of the face is lifted vertically, rather than to the back – leaving far fewer scars and is far less invasive.
The facelift can greatly improve the look of your face and neck, and with advancements made every day, patients are able to achieve better results with a far more natural look. For more information or to schedule a consultation, contact Dr. Richard Swift today.