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When it comes to aesthetic enhancement issues, the vast majority of procedures out there are generally geared towards women. But as time has gone by and aesthetic medicine technology and techniques have advanced, more and more procedures are being designed to combat issues associated with men. Some of these issues include minimally-invasive techniques, surgical procedures, and non-surgical measures. One of the best examples of such a condition that has become quite a popular issue amongst male plastic surgery patients is gynecomastia Nassau County experts like Dr. Richard Swift, the top plastic surgeon Nassau County has to offer, has been treating patients for such issues for a number of years, and has been able to help countless men achieve the flatter, more masculine chest area and chest contours they wanted using this method of body contouring. But according to Dr. Richard Swift, considered to be the best plastic surgeon Long Island has to offer, in today’s world gynecomastia issues are becoming fairly prominent as more men are having gynecomastia procedures done than ever before. When it comes to gynecomastia Long Island men are in the norm, according to the Mayo Clinic at least 25% of all men aged 50 to 69 are affected in some way by gynecomastia issues. This is why when it comes to surgery for gynecomastia Nassau County experts like Dr. Swift are performing more procedures today than they have in years. Another major factor is the amount of education there is currently out there in regards to aesthetic enhancement procedures, whether they are for men or women. Plus, more men are having plastic surgery done than ever before. This procedure has been known to be called male breast reduction surgery at certain points, and while this is a correct term it may not be the preferred term of everyone who suffers from the condition. In this article, we will be going over the condition of gynecomastia and how to treat it with surgery.
What is Gynecomastia?
Before we delve into any of the causes of gynecomastia or anything further, it’s important for us to understand what gynecomastia actually is. gynecomastia is an endocrinology disorder. According to Dr. Swift, the top surgeon for gynecomastia Nassau County has to offer, the condition is known for being characterized by the swelling of male breast tissue. This will generally occur for a number of reasons, but generally, there is an underlying hormonal problem. Where there is a higher percentage of estrogen than usual. This can often happen at different points during life, one of the most common examples of a hormonal imbalance can occur during puberty for a young male. Boys will generally produce quite a bit of testosterone during this time, however, during a time when hormone levels are in fluctuation, estrogen levels can certainly rise and cause the young person to experience symptoms of gynecomastia Long Island experts like Dr. Swift, the best plastic surgeon Long Island has in practice, will often advise patients that while these conditions don’t generally impact your overall health, it can have an effect on your cosmetic appearance, as well as your self-confidence and how that correlates with your appearance being affected.
What are the Causes of Gynecomastia?
It is important to understand that gynecomastia can occur at almost any stage of life for men. There isn’t one or two general times where patients should be especially worried about it. In most cases, these issues are a result of hormonal change events. Some of these times might include, at birth, where newborn males can show the development of unwanted enlarged breast tissue. According to Dr. Swift, the top surgeon for body contouring Nassau County has to offer, the gynecomastia that occurs is a product of the residual estrogen of the mother during the actual birth. In addition to such an instance, patients can experience hormonal imbalances at almost any other point in life, and it might be triggered by several different issues. Whether it might be during childbirth as we mentioned, puberty, or as we age into our 40’s or 50’s, such issues can occur at any age, however, according to Dr. Swift, the top surgeon for body contouring Nassau County has to offer, they can always be remedied surgically. however, before deciding upon surgery, no matter how old individuals might be, it’s important to take other less invasive measures to see if that might help. In a case of a child suffering from gynecomastia at birth, it will generally disappear within a few days to a week. In addition to hormonal causes, other issues are known to bring on gynecomastia Long Island experts claim including obesity, malnutrition, liver disease, thyroid issues, certain types of cancer, hypogonadism, amongst a number of other issues that can certainly affect a patient’s gynecomastia symptoms.
Diagnosing Gynecomastia
When it comes to the development of gynecomastia Great Neck experts like Dr. Swift, have been diagnosing patients with this condition for years now. And have been able to help countless men combat their issues using gynecomastia surgery. Despite this, it isn’t always the easiest to diagnose, as it can often be confused with the presence of subnormal skin fat in the area. According to some patients, when it first starts developing, gynecomastia pain issues can be quite bad at first, and quite shocking to anyone who isn’t expecting them. Generally when diagnosing gynecomastia Great Neck experts like Dr. Swift will be able to perform a careful and thorough examination of the patient’s breast tissue to make note of different properties of the lump or protrusion along with the patient’s breast tissue. It’s important to understand that when diagnosing gynecomastia, it can often be broken down into separated dreaded categories one of which include: Grade I: which is a minor enlargement, of less than 250g of breast tissue, all the way up to Grade III & IV, which go from a severe enlargement of over 500g with grade I ptosis, or sagging, and worse. In the most severe of cases, patients will have to generally opt for surgery straight away, in some cases, patients might try other methods of treatment before opting for surgery, but this is dependent on their surgeon and physician. For more information on gynecomastia treatment be sure to contact Dr. Swift today.