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In the world of aesthetic enhancement surgery, we have seen a rapid increase in popularity amongst procedures designed to enhance the appearance of the face. While body procedures like breast augmentation and the Brazilian butt lift are certainly more popular, when it comes to facial plastic surgery Old Westbury experts like Dr. Richard Swift, the best plastic surgeon Old Westbury has to offer, are performing more of these procedures than in recent years. Using procedures like the rhinoplasty and facelift Old Westbury patients are able to enhance the overall shape, co tours and look of their face. Generally, this is done by alleviating unwanted signs of aging such as wrinkles, fine lines, facial folds, and more. During a full fledged facelift Old Westbury surgeon Dr. Swift will add incisions around the outer areas of the face, and be able to trim away unwanted excess skin and other tissues. Once this happens the skin is lifted, and essentially any sagging skin that was previously there, any looseness of the face, and any wrinkles and lines that might have appeared will be removed. While this procedure is probably one of the most popular forms of facial plastic surgery Nassau County patients can have done, not everyone is in need of a full fledged facelift. And while there are other variations like the mini facelift, one of the most popular of late is known as the neck lift Old Westbury patients who might be suffering from loose, hanging skin and tissue along the neck and lower area of the face. In fact, considering that the facelift is known as a rhytidectomy, and the neck lift is known as a lower rhytidectomy – it makes sense why they are such similar procedures. Despite this, most people have no clue what a neck lift is, and therefore in this article, we will be going over a few important factors to know about the procedure.
The Neck Lift and What it Treats
According to the team at Dr. Swifts office, known for the best plastic surgery Old Westbury has to offer, the neck lift is certainly becoming more popular over the years. Using the neck lift Old Westbury patients see it as an alternative to the full facelift, specifically those who are suffering for more wrinkle issues along their neck, and the lower reaches of their chin area. As we mentioned, the procedure is also known as the lower rhytidectomy, and it is a surgical lifting and contouring procedure designed to help alleviate unwanted signs of aging, such as wrinkles and fine lines, along the neck and jawline area. According to Dr. Swift, the best plastic surgeon Old Westbury has in practice, the neck lift can treat quite a bit more than you’d think. It is known to help reduce excess fatty tissue in the lower face that can cause the development of jowls. Also when skin relaxes and fat comes into play, in some way it will cause the appearance of wrinkles and “rolls” to come about along the neck and jaw area – this procedure can treat those. In addition with the neck lift Old Westbury experts like Dr. Swift, use it to treat excess fat along the chin and neck, loose skin along the neck and jawline, and the presence of unwanted muscle banding in the neck – which is often known to create abnormal contours and poor overall shape. The loss of youthful contours in the face and neck can be due to a variety of factors, including heredity, gravity, environmental conditions and stress.
Why Not Get a Facelift?
This is a common question, as when considering a facelift Old Westbury experts like Dr. Swift, the best surgeon for facial plastic surgery Nassau County has to offer, will sometimes recommend they just go with a neck lift. This is because some people may not need a full facelift, as their upper facial area is still relatively youthful and it would be somewhat of a waste to make incisions on youthful areas of the face that don’t need it. And often, some of the first signs of aging in many patients are excess wrinkling of the neck skin, a double chin or “turkey wattle” and jowl lines.
Combination Procedures
Like the facelift, patients will often have a combination of facial procedures at the same time, since they will have to undergo a recovery period anyway and sometimes feel it best to perform both procedures at the same time. Often the neck lift is combined with procedures like an brow lift, for the forehead and brow area, buccal fat removal, to reduce the presence of cheek fat, or even a facial fat transfer to bolster the volume certain areas fo the face – giving a more plump, youthful appearance.
What You Shouldn’t Expect
Its important to understand that these procedures will not stop the aging process and no matter what you will see some visible signs of aging over the years. however, these procedures can slow and stifle the effects to an extent that you look a lot younger than you would otherwise. In addition, you should know that this is still a surgical procedure and there will be side effects like swelling, bruising, and you will have to go through a recovery period that can last for months, before you see your full results. For more information on the neck lift and other facial plastic surgery procedures be sure to contact Dr. Swift today.