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With more and more men and women considering plastic surgery than ever before, there are a number of different procedures that can help you to achieve your ideal face and body. Despite having been around for a few decades, facial plastic surgery procedures like the facelift are still just as popular as they’ve ever been before – especially amongst those individuals who are around the age of 40. According to Dr. Richard Swift, considered to be the best facelift surgeon NYC has to offer, as we age, our skin loses valuable proteins such as collagen and elastin – compounds that are produced naturally by the body, in order to help our skin regenerate itself, while simultaneously helping to ensure our skin stays soft, smooth, and blemish free, as well as ensuring it maintains a tight, youthful texture and vibrant glow. However, as these compounds begin to grow naturally depleted it can have drastic effects on the skin, causing it lose vital facial volume and causing patients to experience loose, often hanging skin over time. As the best facelift surgeon NYC has in practice, Dr. Swift recommends such cosmetic surgery to help patients not only improve their physical appearance but their confidence and self-esteem as well. Despite how popular facelift procedures have been for upwards of two decades, many patients are still relatively uneducated about them, and have a tendency to jump into surgery without gathering the proper facts and information surrounding all that a facelift truly entails. By rushing into such invasive facial surgery, patients are often surprised by certain aspects of their results, as well as any side effects or aftercare methods they must remember. Before you go through with having a facelift, here are a few important tips that can help you to make the most of your procedure.
· Think About Why You Want Surgery
One of the biggest issues with the exponential rise in plastic surgery in recent years, has been the fact that patients look towards cosmetic enhancement as a means of not only improving their outward appearance, but their confidence, and self-image as well. As a facelift specialist NYC surgeon Dr. Swift believes that patients who are having any type of surgery shouldn’t do so as a means of loving themselves and improving their self-image. Before you have surgery, its important that already feel good about yourself and aren’t looking to plastic surgery to improve your overall self-esteem. Sure, having a facelift will make you happier about the way you look, however, you should never look towards surgery to be the reason you love yourself and be the thing that gives you a positive face and body image, as these types of feelings should come from within, and shouldn’t hinge on you having a successful plastic surgery procedure.
· Manage Your Expectations
Similar to the above statement, many individuals look towards plastic surgery as some type of cure all or wonder procedure that will completely change their lives. As the top facelift specialist NYC surgeon Dr. Swift has had patients who believe that a facelift will be the thing that gets them 100,000 followers on Instagram and is the only thing holding them back from a social media modeling career. Or that once they get their breasts done, their husband will no longer want to get a divorce. And in some instances, they will even believe that a facelift will give them their 18-year-old looks back, even though they may have just celebrated their 50th birthday. The important thing for you to understand is that you should be doing plastic surgery for you, and only you. The thing to understand is that, sure a facelift may help reduce the presence of loose skin, and relieve some wrinkles, but it isn’t going to make you look like a completely different person.
· The Expenses
Another important aspect to look into is the cost of the procedure itself, and how this cost might positively or negatively effect you financially. According to Dr. Swift the top facelift specialist NYC has to offer, as much as you might need or want surgery, the last thing you’d want to do is to put yourself in a financial hole that you cant afford or now find yourself dipping into your savings or money that was reserved for other needs, such as your child’s college fund or money that was earmarked for the purchase of a new home or possibly even much-needed renovations to your current home.
· Risks & Side Effects
Another important thing for us to understand is that there are a number of possible side effects or common issues that you will likely have to deal with following surgery. As the best facelift surgeon NYC has to offer, Dr. Swift will do his best to limit such issues, however, they are very likely. Despite the fact that there will be some swelling, redness, and scars are likely, it is important for patients to understand that these issues will slowly disappear over time and may likely only last a few weeks at a time.
For more information on the facelift, or to schedule a consultation be sure to contact Dr. Swift today.