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When it comes to surgical and non-surgical enhancement, body contouring and fat loss are by far the most requested types of procedures in the US, among both men and women. While there are a number of different procedures that can offer patients excellent results, few are as efficient as liposuction. Liposuction has supplanted procedures like breast augmentation and tummy tucks as the top requested plastic surgery procedure around. While liposuction does offer patients the best possible results there are a number of important factors one should be aware of, as it is an invasive, surgical technique. When deciding upon liposuction one of the most important factors to consider is the experience of your surgeon, specifically with this procedure. When looking for an experienced plastic surgeon New York City has quite a lot to choose from, however, few have the excellent track record of proven results that Dr. Richard Swift does. Considered by many as the top plastic surgeon New York has in practice, Dr. Swift takes time to educate his patients on the side effects and important facts surrounding any surgical procedures. While patients are often aware of the benefits of cosmetic surgery, rarely do they take time to consider everything a procedure like liposuction truly entails. Here are a few common misconceptions about liposuction.
· Liposuction is NOT a Weight Loss Procedure
As the top body contouring plastic surgeon New York City has in practice, Dr. Swift is often correcting this common misconception that liposuction is actually a weight loss procedure. Many individuals assume that if they are overweight, they will be able to lose weight using liposuction, however, this is not the case. Weight gain generally occurs evenly, throughout the body, as does weight loss – liposuction targets specific problem areas like the hips, thighs, and midsection. There is a limit to how much fat can safely be removed from any given area at a time. Liposuction is truly designed as a means of contouring the body and removing small amounts of fat to create curves and improve one’s silhouette.
· Liposuction is NOT for the Obese
For those who are considered drastically overweight or obese, liposuction is not the answer. As with our first point, liposuction should be thought of as a body contouring procedure – those who are within a healthy weight range are the ideal candidates. For those holding onto additional weight, it is more difficult to create curves and visible contours along the body, especially considering only so much weight can be removed from the body using liposuction. As is the case with any plastic surgeon New York patients are often advised to either lose or in some instances, gain weight to have liposuction performed safely. While BMI isn’t officially used when determining your candidacy for liposuction, generally patients must be below the 30’s (considered obese), and above a number like 19 or 20, considered normal.
· Liposuction Does NOT Tighten Loose Skin
Despite some plastic surgery practices advertising that liposuction can offer skin tightening effects, this is a huge misconception. On its own, liposuction cannot help you alleviate loose skin, in fact, the opposite is actually true. Throughout his time as a plastic surgeon New York patients always had issues regarding loose or hanging skin because of liposuction. In order to combat this issue, Dr. Swift will often recommend some type of lifting procedure, like the tummy tuck, breast lift, or thigh lift, be done in conjunction with liposuction. Younger patients will often have less issues with loose skin, as they still have built up collagen and elastin stores within their bodies. The older we get, the less of these vital skincare compounds we have.
While these are three of the most common, there are definitely a lot more myths and misconceptions surrounding liposuction. Before undergoing any invasive procedure, it is important to get as many of the facts as possible. For more information on liposuction or to schedule your consult, contact the office of Dr. Richard Swift today.